Lander University Art+Design department Magazine (2022)
This is Lander University's first issue of Ripple. A magazine comprised of tips, tricks, information about staff, college knowledge, and much more. These spreads are a few that I created for this publication while working with a team of 4 other students to drum up ideas, write, outline, create, and finalize this magazine for Lander to give out to incoming students and parents interested in the art+design department.

Translucent Magazine (2022)
This issue of the magazine features several articles about glass as a whole. Overall, Translucent is meant to be a publication of interesting facts about the world in one place for the curious to discover.

Domino's Annual Report Exercise (2022)
Though this is not for the Domino's actual use, this showcases boring information in a visual way.

And Then There Were None (2021)
These posters were made for a college theatrical performance of Agatha Christie's, And Then There Were None.